Dear ,
This E-Zone contains all the information you should require while participating at the Fair. You will find the answers to most of your questions in this Exhibitor E-Zone, but it is not designed to replace our personal service. We are happy to answer any questions you have and can be contacted via email
Once you have set your password, you can re-enter the E-Zone at any time via the SGF website (link below). On the Scottish Game Fair website, click on the Exhibitors tab at the top of the page and select Exhibitor E-Zone from the drop-down menu, you will be directed to the E-Zone log-in page.
You must complete the fields marked with an asterisk before submitting a page. Once you have completed the Health and Safety process by submitting copies of your risk assessment and public liability insurance, you will move on to your profile page, where you can upload branding. This will transfer to our A-Z listing on the Scottish Game Fair website. Once the H&S form and your profile has been completed you will be able to move-on to the further sections of the E-Zone. From the menu on the left you can select options to read show information, order additional services etc.
In the meantime, should you have any pre-event queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wishing you a successful participation at the 2025 Scottish Game Fair.
The Operations Team